Eye Care Centre - Lugogo Mall i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaEye Care Centre - Lugogo Mall



🕗 åbningstider

Lugogo Mall, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 39 2264422
internet side: www.eyecareug.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3263966, Longitude: 32.6065738

kommentar 5

  • Mawanda Vincent

    Mawanda Vincent


    My first time to be prescribed was in December 2015. Every after a year, i go back for a check up and changing my frame,i if old and weak. Thanks so much for your genuine services and good customer care. Regards MAWANDA Vincent Protocol Support Personnel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Uganda

  • Martin R Frankenfeld

    Martin R Frankenfeld


    Got a pair of prescription tinted driving glasses 9 years ago and still wearing them. Just saw the cleaning rag in the the glasses case and realized where I got them from. Their quality is fantastic.

  • Anneloes Muis

    Anneloes Muis


    Terrible services. My husband bought sunglasses and the coating if the sunglasses got off the glasses. Explained that he used the sunglasses only three times, the shopassistent did not listen at all and said it was his fault.. funny if you only used the glasses three times in the car. So do not buy anything there! Bad quality.. almost think they sell fake brands..

  • Muhammad Muzammil

    Muhammad Muzammil


    Fine service but expensive

  • Anthony Abok

    Anthony Abok


    Eye clinic and specks

nærmeste Hospital

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