Codeclinic i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Plot 137A Kira Road (opposite the, Play ground, Kira Road Police Station, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 39 4836298
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Latitude: 0.3428698, Longitude: 32.5938174

kommentar 5

  • Nankya Prossy

    Nankya Prossy


    Thanks so much Code clinic, I had two teeth extracted and I didn't feel any pain, got another tooth filled and also got my perfect dentures here. I love my new smile now, am so much confident. Definitely gonna recommend my sister's here. 10/10

  • Gillian Kiconco

    Gillian Kiconco


    I would like to recommend Code Clinic to anyone afraid of dentists or pain.I had a super experience with Dr Arnold and his assistant Prudence,pain free with gospel music in the background. You will not regret it!

  • Denise Kukundakwe

    Denise Kukundakwe


    I visited Code dental clinic for the first time today. I was quite scared of the visit however Dr. Arnold encouraged me to imagine I was in a spa. True to his word the dental procedure went well and was painless. Dr. Arnold took the time to explain every procedure that he was going to do. To say the least, I was met with utmost professionalism and care. I will definitely be going back for the routine check ups as advised.

  • Matthew Ntamara

    Matthew Ntamara


    The staff are friendly and competent, the dentists are professional and careful with their work. The office has a cozy environment and you don't have to wait long to get worked on. I had spaces in my teeth for as long as I could remember, but after only an 8 month braces treatment and zero pain, my smile got a full makeover and I'm super excited about my new look! I especially liked the cleaning sessions, and my most memorable day at Codeclinic was the day Dr. Angella took my braces off. I loved my transformation and I wouldn't point anyone in any other direction if an amazing service is what they are looking for. An easy 5-stars from me.

  • Jude Kigozi

    Jude Kigozi


    Look no further incase you are looking for painless dental services, Thank you Dr. Mugabe for your passion in solving pain problems. Your dental clinic is the best in town and I highly recommend your services to everyone.

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