Women's Hospital International and Fertility Centre i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaWomen's Hospital International and Fertility Centre



🕗 åbningstider

Bukoto-Kisasi Road/ P.O.Box 16233, Bukoto Kisasi Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 31 2165050
internet side: www.womens-hospital.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.350636, Longitude: 32.599018

kommentar 5

  • Harry D.

    Harry D.


    Writing this for a friend who is too shy to post: she was very well received especially by one of Dr Sali's daughters who is also a doctor (it's a family business) and she was initially taken care of very well. However, once the money had been payed and procedure done further questions/enquiries where not responded to in a timely manner. Even more money for further consultations was asked for after already paying almost 20m for the first procedures: everything indicates that this is a money making machine which does not even allow for proper post-treatment consultations. My friend feels left alone and ill informed now despite the procedures going well.

  • Lubega Herbert

    Lubega Herbert


    The professionalism, patient care and upto date medical practicing methods.

  • Prossy Mubiru

    Prossy Mubiru


    hello I went on your website to get information about your services before I contact you and start my treatment. you gave most of the information however theres nothing about prices. I think it's good to list down prices so that your patients know exactly what they are looking for before the consultation and also to know if you carry out that particular procedure or not.

  • Ampaire Joseph

    Ampaire Joseph


    Good place do women fertility

  • Dizeera Hassan

    Dizeera Hassan


    The customer care service is very good,Also not having to wait for so long just to See a doctor excites me more about them.great maternity and anc.services highly recommended, Great job team W.H.i

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