Legal Electricians Kampala i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaLegal Electricians Kampala



🕗 åbningstider

Bombo Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 750 614536
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3341777, Longitude: 32.5731651

kommentar 5

  • West Equipment (Digital Weighing Scales)

    West Equipment (Digital Weighing Scales)


    Fixed our lights in our new workshop in Kanyanya. The electricians did a fast and clean job.

  • kulu isma

    kulu isma


    Legal Electricians Kampala designed the gypsum ceiling that matches our interior. They did a great job. The gypsum Ceiling they installed in our apartment, groomed our interior. Thanks a lot...

  • mbazi lex

    mbazi lex


    Excellent electrical wiring job.The electricians were very quick, did an excellent job and were very friendly. Hope to recommend these experienced electricians in the whole of Uganda.

  • muli deo

    muli deo


    It is our pleasure to express our deep satisfaction with Legal electricians work at our home again. 2 years ago they also helped revamp our entire electrical system in our 1927 home over many days.Once again thank you for a professional job!

  • siodo jesca peace

    siodo jesca peace


    The fact that you are authorized to operate in the electrical field made me feel safe with your electrical installation and had no doubt and worries. Am soon hiring you again to make electrical wiring for my newly constructed rentals. I recommend authorized these electricians.

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