Weighcom Electrical Installation Services Kampala i Kampala

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UgandaWeighcom Electrical Installation Services Kampala



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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Torsdagåben 24 timer
Bombo Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 750 614536
internet side: weighcomelectricitycompany.wordpress.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3344082, Longitude: 32.5731744

kommentar 5

  • kasa soon

    kasa soon


    I was in a pinch with my new house on some electrical work that needed to be in a hurry! Weighcom Electrical came through and saved the day! I couldn't be happier with the level of customer service and quality of work that Weighcom Electrical provided. I strongly recommend them to anyone with electrical needs!

  • Accurate Weighing Scales in Kampala, Uganda Crane

    Accurate Weighing Scales in Kampala, Uganda Crane


    Just a few lines to say thank you for a first class job. The CCTV camera security system was professionally installed, as per our agreed time schedule and operates perfectly, in fact, exactly as we requested. We are soon calling you back for electrical installation service in Najeera. Thank you for the good work and being friendly.

  • Moisture Meters

    Moisture Meters


    Weighcom's CCTV Camera installations are fitted to a high specification and we have achieved excellent results and cost savings in terms of man guarding and the prevention and detection of crime. We have always been grateful for the advice given in terms of how and where to fit systems. I would have no hesitation in recommending their services to others.

  • weighing balances

    weighing balances


    Weighcom is a very professional electrical company and has excellent electricians. I will wait weeks for them - rather than hire another electrician. They are always so pleasant and do an electrical excellent job. They always have a solution for my lighting problems!

  • mbazi lex

    mbazi lex


    The electrical work was excellent. It was a pleasure having Weighcom to do the work for us. They were reliable, hardworking and conscientious. We had wanted electricity in our house but could not get immediate help but when Weighcom sent their authorized electricians, our prayers of having electricity were answered. The electrical wiring was safely made and we expect to use and recommend your company anytime. Good job.

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