Living Waters Resort i Bukaya

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UgandaLiving Waters Resort



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Speke Monument Road, Bukaya, Buikwe, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 706 283822
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Latitude: 0.4211297, Longitude: 33.1935672

kommentar 5

  • Alejandra de la Parra Ballesteros

    Alejandra de la Parra Ballesteros


    Excellent attention, good food, beautiful views.

  • Alessandra Scomazzon

    Alessandra Scomazzon


    TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE! We booked this place to relax after a trip to Uganda. From the pictures and previous reviews it seemed a nice resort with an outstanding view. However, we have been very disappointed. There was no electricity, and ok, it might be normal in this part of the world. But they did not even have a working generator so we ended up eating dinners with the torch and we could not charge our phones. We not only missed hot water, but the shower did not work at all and we had to use water in buckets. Not what you expect in a resort @ more than 100 usd per night. No choice of food (just chicken curry and veg curry every evening) and it was also not good... We were the only guests for the 2 nights we spent there and this was weird. No security services: no guardian and gate opened even during the night. Of course no WiFi. We slept in budget places around at way lower costs but with way better services. Beware of this place and of previous reviews. Not recommended!

  • Odiit Onapito

    Odiit Onapito


    Excellent location and view of the Nile River with a very tranquil environment, coupled with lovely sounds of birds and monkeys. Very friendly and helpful Staff. The rooms though are not well maintained and the time we were there, there wasn't electricity so we had to shower with cold water. The menu is also limited. However if you are looking for a peace with peace and quiet, this is it for you!

  • pesh lucie

    pesh lucie


    Beautiful place, home out of home. Customer service is out of this world. Very quiet place if you want to be away from the noise. View of the nile is amazing. Beautiful sunrise view. Kaka,Blanche and Helen were very approachable and kind. You might want to spend more nights than what you had planned for. No regrets

  • Henna Patel

    Henna Patel


    I had a great time living here! The view is amazing from all the lodges! Would 100% go back and stay here if I were to go back to Uganda. Complimentary breakfast and staff are amazing. The only down side was the wait for food since everything is made from scratch, but the wait is worth it.

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