Marafiki Safari Lodge i Kasese

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UgandaMarafiki Safari Lodge



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Fort Portal-Mpondwe Road, Kasese, Kasese, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 775 941189
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.0060843, Longitude: 29.9929046

kommentar 5

  • Faith The Bushgirl

    Faith The Bushgirl


    Lovely view with the lake George in the backdrop of the lodge you enjoy the sunrise. Food was good and everyone is happy to serve you with a great smile. Loved the rooms nested in wood with such an ambiance. Recommended.

  • Harris Holding

    Harris Holding


    The place is amazing, I love it, the staff is perfect and the view is stunning! Highly recommended!

  • Emily N

    Emily N


    Rooms are nice. Food is not. Got bad food poisoning. Only ate at this lodge for 3 days and got sick for days during and after. While staff is nice if you are looking for a total package would not recommend since food is hard to find outside of the lodge in the area.

  • Martina Morejon

    Martina Morejon


    Amazing hotel! With the option of outdoor shower with beautiful view. The staff is so friendly and the food is amazing. Service is great. Could be more than 3 starts.

  • hop



    The location is really nice, but the bummer is the road nearby! You hear the noises of trucks climbing up the main road where you only wanna hear nature‘s sound actually. So that was not so good and a reason for us to choose a different lodge the next time. The rooms are great, loved the outdoor shower! Food was delicious/good but the staff was way too shy!

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