Prime Rose Hotel i Mubende

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaPrime Rose Hotel


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Mubene-Fortportal road, G9WW+VWP, Mubende, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256
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Latitude: 0.547224, Longitude: 31.3973223

kommentar 5

  • Martin Agaba

    Martin Agaba


    Everything seems to be good especially the meals and accommodation, however, as clients we need more speed. Thank you. I highly recommend it's one of the best hotels you can go to in mubende.

  • Nadine Grivel

    Nadine Grivel


    Thank you very much, very nice place and the staff talks freely with you and jokes too!

  • nakaana benon

    nakaana benon


    Ts a nyce quiet place.. Wt a nice ambiance

  • 88Worker Bee

    88Worker Bee


    Lovely staff, good parking, fair enough accommodation rooms, the bathrooms on the main reception building are tight.

  • Charlotte Beauvoisin (Diary of a Muzungu)

    Charlotte Beauvoisin (Diary of a Muzungu)


    Staff were friendly enough but couldn't follow instructions unfortunately. After clearing asking (three times) for coffee with cold milk, coffee arrived 15 minutes later with HOT milk! I ordered spiced tea. Not sure tea had reached the water. Nor whether any spice came anywhere my cup! Rather unsatisfactory all round. Don't go here if you're in a rush. Friends say buffet is good but order from the menu and food will take an hour. #diaryofamuzungu #foodie #ExploreUganda

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