Nile River Camp i Jinja

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UgandaNile River Camp


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Jinja, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 776 900450
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Latitude: 0.4817509, Longitude: 33.1642401

kommentar 5

  • Georgia Ross

    Georgia Ross


    Great spot right on the edge of the Nile (next door to the best rafting company in Jinja too). The staff were lovely, good hot showers, unlimited coffee and tea, and the cutest resident cat Allykat. Loved it here!

  • Kimmanje Nimrod

    Kimmanje Nimrod


    The service was very good. One person specifically caught our attention; the lady who washes clothes for clients was really really really good. I would highly recommend travellers with dirty clothes to use the lady.

  • Daan Donkers

    Daan Donkers


    Lovely place to relax after an adventurous time in Uganda (or if you are just looking for a place to chill). Beautiful views over the Nile River and lots of opportunities to explore the bustling live of Jinja and surroundings.

  • Alizée Mabilon

    Alizée Mabilon


    I could have stayed forever This place is absolutely incredible ! The staff is amazing and really helpful, the prices are really cheap (6$ for camping, 12$ for room) with this beautiful swimming pool and amazing view of the Nile River They propose many activities but the place itself can be enough to enjoy your stay Thanks a lot I wish I could have stayed more (already spending 3 nights instead of 1) 😂 And you will see beautiful wildlife monkeys and birds Thanks for everything

  • Clara Oswald

    Clara Oswald


    What a wonderful place to stay when you come to Jinja. The camp has an amazing view over the Nile and incredible sunsets. The food is quite good and affordable. The staff was really friendly and helpful. The only lack I have to mention are the dorms, there where a bit dirty, dark and without any plug sockets. But besides that we were really happy with our choice to stay at Nile River Camp!

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