Nile River Explorers i Jinja

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UgandaNile River Explorers



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Wilson Avenue, Jinja, Wilaya ya Jinja, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 772 422373
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.4367345, Longitude: 33.1975103

kommentar 5

  • Nicholas Hyslop

    Nicholas Hyslop


    Wasn't our indended destination, but they were very happy to put us up for the night! Great rooms for the price. Breakfast was tasty and the coffee was excellent.

  • Nils Rain

    Nils Rain


    We had a great experience on our full day rafting trip. The equipment was in great shape, the crew was friendly, the bbq at the end in the trip was delicious. But mostly, as novices, we felt so safe with a safety boat and several safety kayakers nearby, ready to pick us from the water if we went in.

  • justin beckermann

    justin beckermann


    Really liked this place. Good value with a chilled out, homely vibe. The owners and staff are very friendly and accommodating. Can’t think of any negatives

  • en

    Marcus Kunøe


    Great for partying. A lot of overland trucks here. Monday is two for one on burgers, and the view is amazing. The best in the area. So i would at least recommend coming here for just that. Very helpfull staff too.

  • Maria Martinez

    Maria Martinez


    The accommodations were simple but comfortable. The food was delicious, and the rafting and boat cruise were top notch. Definitely worth the value. The free shuttle to and from Kampala is also a great feature for guests. Would definitely recommend.

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