Sparkles Salon i Kampala

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UgandaSparkles Salon



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Forest Mall,Acacia Mall,Lugogo Mall, Oasis MallGarden City Shopping Mall, Kampala P.O.Box 29452, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 772 587603
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Latitude: 0.319758, Longitude: 32.591938

kommentar 5

  • Calvin Wavamunno

    Calvin Wavamunno


    I’ve been a regular customer at Sparkles fir many years and I’ve never had any issues. Its a very warming and comfortable atmosphere once you walk through the door. The customer service is great with very talented staff. Would definitely recommend this salon.

  • en

    Allan Kashaija


    Sparkles salon is quite the experience from the minute you walk in the door. The staff are all so helpful, friendly and talented and you feel so pampered while being there. I always leave feeling amazing and already looking forward to my next visit. I highly recommend this salon, I promise you won't be disappointed.

  • en



    Been going to sparkles for over a decade. I've been extremely pleased with their amazing service, outstanding trims, and phenomenal pricing for what you get. Sparkles has some of the best barbers to ever grace the profession! The first cut won't be your last. This is your destination for all things hair.

  • en



    I had the most wonderful service at Sparkles Salon. I was met by such friendly reception staff and a lovely hair dresser and nail person. The staff were very helpful and made me feel comfortable about transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. I love the finish look and will definitely be returning! Wonderful customer service. I have tried all branches and have recommended it to friends. Best salon in Uganda for sure.

  • en

    mugi samo


    After several bad experiences over the year, i was nervous about getting my haircut. I decided to give sparkles salon(forest mall) a try and i was not disappointed. My barber really took the time to listen to what i wanted and seemed to understand my vision. I absolutely love my new style and i'm already excited to go back

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