Sparkles Salon Garden City i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaSparkles Salon Garden City



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Yusuf Lule Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 200 906413
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Latitude: 0.3141114, Longitude: 32.5858067

kommentar 5

  • KYATEREKERA “Fountain Of Life” ABRAHAM

    KYATEREKERA “Fountain Of Life” ABRAHAM


    It has all the class and style you need

  • Ayesiga Isaac

    Ayesiga Isaac


    Nice place for both sex hair cuts and style

  • Patricia Kyosiimire

    Patricia Kyosiimire


    Very poor customer care by a one Paul at sparkles Forest mall. I felt he degrades customers and he ain’t remorseful at all. He should be warned abt his behavior. Guess he is the worst experience I have had at this salon I have come to with my son for the past 2 yrs. he is such a nag

  • David Millard

    David Millard


    They have done consistently great cuts and nails. They are also patient with children. I have never waited long to be serviced.

  • Lisa



    I had the most wonderful service at Sparkles Salon. I was met by such friendly reception staff and a lovely hair dresser and nail person. The staff were very helpful and made me feel comfortable about transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. I love the finish look and will definitely be returning! Wonderful customer service. I have tried all branches and have recommended it to friends. Best salon in Uganda for sure.

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