Star Casino and Hotel i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaStar Casino and Hotel


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Plot 12 Lumumba Avenue, Nakasero (0.87 mi, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4233888
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Latitude: 0.3183905, Longitude: 32.5779267

kommentar 5

  • Kinyatta Alpha

    Kinyatta Alpha


    Great reception

  • Wanume Ibrahim

    Wanume Ibrahim


    They have gd customer service Big parking car reserve and security

  • Erisa Kaliisa

    Erisa Kaliisa


    The lace is quite cool.... and easily accessible

  • Shashanka Saadi

    Shashanka Saadi


    This is one of the neat Casino I have toured till date. They serve fabulous foods and varieties of drinks. Food and drinks are free as long as you are playing. The floor sebos are courteous and friendly. No one would try to take extra advantages. I just love it.

  • Miss “Godd3ss” Bee

    Miss “Godd3ss” Bee


    Stayed here for 2 weeks. Hotel rooms are nice but staff service is terrible. Always got food orders wrong. Seemed to always over charge. Eventually I refused buying from their restaurant service. I must repeat rooms were very nice. A single is actually just short of a double bed and the double is a extra extra large bed that can sleep 3/4 people

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