The Pyramids Casino & Restaurant i Kampala

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UgandaThe Pyramids Casino & Restaurant


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Plot 7A, Yusuf Lule Road, Formerly Kitante Road, Opposite Golf Course, Yusuf Lule Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4234840
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Latitude: 0.3291465, Longitude: 32.5815037

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dorothy Nakagwa


    Live band music on Friday. Good food too. This place can get really crowded and it's good to reserve a table before going there

  • Agnes Ainembabazi

    Agnes Ainembabazi


    I loved the food and the environment. The chairs were really comfortable and the staff was very caring of us!!

  • Agnes Ainembabazi

    Agnes Ainembabazi


    I loved the food and the environment. The chairs were really comfortable and the staff was very caring of us!!

  • Isaac Mukonyezi

    Isaac Mukonyezi


    Great hideaway from town. And there is a band that plays every Friday. And great food too.

  • Godfrey Binaisa

    Godfrey Binaisa


    Good ambient, spotless with nice life band sound each and every Friday. Good for lovers, birthday parties and dinner. The food favors leave you leaking your lips all night long. For lovers/couples especially men/boys, you need to be sure of your girl otherwise you might change of mine on the heartbreaking smart and eye tickling waitress. Customer care is something that goes without a say - perfect. Car packing and security is at level 5. For more just visit the Pyramids next to UN complex at Yusuf Lule Road. Mr. Bin

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