The Pearl Restaurant and Champagne Bar i Kampala

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UgandaThe Pearl Restaurant and Champagne Bar



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20, Kintu Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4309000
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Latitude: 0.3191302, Longitude: 32.5846629

kommentar 5

  • Leni Joseph

    Leni Joseph


    Very beautiful and all their amazing services

  • Cherry God's eye

    Cherry God's eye


    When you visit pearl restaurant do so with a plastic bag for where you'll spit out the inedible food. I was recently there for their valentines night 7 course special, and while i enjoyed the band that was playing and the service was great and really commendable, the food was almost plastic tasting, very bland and in a word terrible. Whilst the dining experience is awesome at the end of the day it all boils down to the food. I have not eaten the chef's other foods so i can only speak from the experience of that night and i must say it left alot to be desired, me and my partner were left with a feeling of no value for money, because when you receive a dining bill of 600,000 you expect to have eaten something exquisite and enjoyable, while i even went ahead to tip my servers as the staff were really good i left feeling that it was not worth it at all. Also there was a table next to us which was so loud their conversation was just filling up the whole restaurant and i thought to myself don't people realise the ettiquette of fine dining and couldn't the waiters talk to them about their loudness. The 2 stars are because of the good service and nice band.

  • Dan Mburu

    Dan Mburu


    Fine dining at its best.

  • Stephen Micheal Kyambadde

    Stephen Micheal Kyambadde


    A good place for relaxation and refreshing

  • Mohit Advani

    Mohit Advani


    Good champagne selection, although our first choice wasn't available. Starters and main meal was nice, with good service and piano playing. Dessert could be better - again our first choice wasn't available. All in all a good fine dining experience.

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