Silver City Spur i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaSilver City Spur



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Yusuf Lule Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4563591
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Latitude: 0.3207221, Longitude: 32.5901075

kommentar 5

  • Michelle Kiisa

    Michelle Kiisa


    Spur follows the SOP's to a T while offering great entertainment for children and young ones whilst you dine. However, you would think it was targeted towards an older audience. The menu is tight, worn out and borderline unimpressive, the setting has grown dull from years of renovation but yet it holds sitting arrangements great for small get together's. The staff is polite and endeavours to make any visit as comfortable as possible.

  • Faithfaith Ogutttu

    Faithfaith Ogutttu


    Place is lovely

  • John Abimanyi Kiggundu

    John Abimanyi Kiggundu


    These guys used to have the best Pork Ribs along the equator. They seem to have changed a chef, and the quality dropped just a little. But dear lord do these guys do pork ribs!

  • Melvin Asasira

    Melvin Asasira


    Good food. Good customer care. Mostly though, their pork ribs will win your heart.

  • Jordan Mande

    Jordan Mande


    Great and calm environment with beautiful interior, a perfect place to relax after a long day.

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