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Centenary Park, Opposite Electoral Commission Next to Africana Hotel, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 782 123165
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Latitude: 0.3181999, Longitude: 32.5940854

kommentar 5

  • Revanth K

    Revanth K


    Great location. Great hospitality. Grwat food. Nice place to hangout with friends and relax.

  • nabil alam

    nabil alam


    Excellent little haven. Enjoyed the Sunday brunch.

  • Nana C.

    Nana C.


    Great place, nice environment, beautiful trees... Everything is made to make you relax. The buffet brunch of the Sunday is just AMAZING. It is a place to be, to enjoy middle East foods. The owner is friendly.

  • Murtaza Aziz

    Murtaza Aziz


    I haven't yet had that line touching experience with food here, the place is good, good ambience

  • Mukasa Davidy

    Mukasa Davidy


    Vitamin Cafe found in the heart of urban center and close to the main city center. It is the favorite hangout place for continental food lovers. As you step your foot into the restaurant, you are welcomed by the magnificent urban-African setting, a beautiful combination of alluring wood pics and an immense luxury of modernity. Those, with no prior reservation, are welcomed to wait in the lounge with comfortable armchairs. The lounge is wonderfully decorated as displayed on the walls. The menu offers a wide variety of delicious and mouth-watering starters for youngsters and adults. All the cuisines were fresh and refreshing. The award-winning chefs gave a home-made feeling using the best quality ingredients. The restaurant also offers various types of drinks and juices, they serve one of the best wines in the town. The drinks are pricey but surely worth trying. The service was wonderful and high quality. You can only see lively expressions on the waiters’ faces. But the owner is full of warmth and thoughtful of his guests. He is always around ready to hear all types of experiences from you and the rest of the guests. Because of the brilliant atmosphere and delicious food service, neglecting the dead expression of waiters.

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