Travel 256 i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaTravel 256



🕗 åbningstider

Kampala - Entebbe Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 758 660020
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.28092, Longitude: 32.5666128

kommentar 5

  • Mr T

    Mr T


    Had our honeymoon planned and booked by these guys. Very professional travel agency and they kept in contact when I needed them for any clarifications. Thank you Eddy and team!

  • Erasmus okurut

    Erasmus okurut


    It was a stress free experience. the team promised good service and its exactly what I received. The driver was on time and acted professional. I enjoyed the services and I do recommend anyone looking forward for the best fleet services to contact Travel 256. My next move is Queen Elizabeth and will be contacting you soon!!! Cheers!

  • Deon Louw

    Deon Louw


    The customer service provided by Bryan and Susan was excellent. I cannot recommend them enough to anyone travelling to Uganda. Outstanding service at an affordable price....probably the best you will get in Uganda! Deon Louw

  • Gunnar Soiland

    Gunnar Soiland


    I have rented Rav4 several times from 'Rent a car Uganda' for self-drive. The communication with the company by email and phone works very good, and the car is always delivered and picked up on the agreed point on time. The cars are quite old, but I have never experienced technical problems, so for just $45 a day, this is good value for money! I recommend ‘Rent a car Uganda’ - and will certainly use them again.

  • Gulu Tours

    Gulu Tours


    We are based in Gulu, and rely a lot on Travel 256 Ltd Team to handle our Kampala business and transportation of our guests from the Entebbe Airport and other Travel related needs within Kampala. They are flexible and affordable at the same time. I recommend to anyone seeking a reliable Tour and Travel company in Kampala.

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