Speedway Safaris Ltd i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaSpeedway Safaris Ltd



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Suna Road, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 772 381544
internet side: www.speedwaysafaris.com
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Latitude: 0.254892, Longitude: 32.562108

kommentar 5

  • sanim tv

    sanim tv


    Thanks Speedway Safaris for thrilling safari to Murchison falls national park. It was exceptional and memorable 3 days to Uganda's largest park. Boat cruise, game safari and trekking to the top of the falls were activities of a lifetime.

  • Vin Rajendran

    Vin Rajendran


    Highly recommend Speedway Safaris. I didn’t see them splashed all over Google, but found them to be trustworthy and responsive. Kiganda was the person I dealt with and he coordinated everything. He managed to bring down the price of a typical 3day Gorilla Tracking tour (budget hotel stays) as per my humble request (since my budget was super limited) by changing from full board to B&B, and also instead of providing me transport, bought me tickets on executive coaches while ensuring I was dropped off and picked up always, promptly (and organised all drop-offs and pick-ups). Was worth the compromises since the main highlight was to see the gorillas! He and his colleagues were incredibly kind, hospitable and always made sure I was well-looked after. Don’t think twice - use these guys if you’re here next time!

  • Kiganda Noah Ssonko

    Kiganda Noah Ssonko


    Great experience

  • francis okum

    francis okum


    We recently had a 3 days amazing tour to Murchison Falls National Park and Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary organized by Speedway Safaris. Everything regarding the trip ranging from the transport vehicle, safari activities and accommodation were superb. Thanks to Richard our tour guide for the wonderful guiding. Richard was knowledgeable about wildlife and he made our holiday tour worth it. Speedway Safaris is a company to rely on for an African Uganda Safari.

  • Ecoland Property Services Ltd

    Ecoland Property Services Ltd


    Speedway Safaris is a knowledgeable safari organizers, we have had tours with them before and they really understand what they stand for, they are speedy and efficient in their service delivery.

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