Uganda Car Rental Services, Najjanankumbi,Entebbe Road i Kampala

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UgandaUganda Car Rental Services, Najjanankumbi,Entebbe Road



🕗 åbningstider

Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 700 135510
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Latitude: 0.2368116, Longitude: 32.5558665

kommentar 5

  • Tina Tessa

    Tina Tessa


    Iam so glad i used bridal cars from Uganda Car Rental Services, they made my day very colorful.They are very punctual,great customer care and their cars are really clean , i wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them. Thank you guys you really made it for us morever our wedding was upcountry , you are the best. Please keep it up Syrus and Justine wedded 12th Dec 2020.

  • Tellanza Cars

    Tellanza Cars


    Once outsourced 4 vans for our clients from Uganda Car Rental Services and i must admit i was really impressed with the level of service , the fast response to inquiries by Bryan really amazed.. overall i would give these guys a 9/10 .. highly recommend them

  • mwogereza delick

    mwogereza delick


    I recently rented a Rav4 for home journey, it was in perfect condition , clean and didn't give me any headache along the way. Highly recommend these guys

  • Sandra Nakalema

    Sandra Nakalema


    I rented a Mercedes Benz with Uganda Car Rental Services, the driver was on time and the car had no problem.. thank you guys...highly recommend you..keep it up

  • Laura Consegal Ventosa

    Laura Consegal Ventosa


    Amazing everything! Super attentive staff, adapt to your schedules and needs. The car was really good, has not given us any problem. We have also managed the gorillas permits in Bwindi! Highly recommended without a doubt. Thank you!!

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