Uganda Aviation School i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaUganda Aviation School


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Entebbe Road, 256, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 31 2106662
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3116846, Longitude: 32.5820442

kommentar 5

  • Yannick Maroyi

    Yannick Maroyi


    Best aviation academy in Uganda and east africa

  • Go Uganda

    Go Uganda


    Located along entebbe road

  • Nakalyango Brenda

    Nakalyango Brenda


    I know the successful ones are there and Uganda Airlines is back but guys complete university courses get the bachelors,jobs and then study aviation when you have a number of alternatives you may not feel the challenges of technical know who ,when they say they are hiring high school only you just drop the documents aside but not for good n if you don’t pass the interview you just go do your other professional stuff aviation is picky and unpredictable cabin crew especially at times they are going to hire you cause of your experience,smile,others professionals due aviation safety reasons And to the directors warn students about UAE travels especially those who join in right from high school/second by that time they are 18 at the end of cabin crew cause they are 19 UAE it’s not easy surviving on visit visa etc

  • Stella Kids shuttle

    Stella Kids shuttle


    I wanted to know about the courssc u offer and where are your schools in kampKam

  • najah wali

    najah wali


    Its a great institution. I like their structure academically and it's first school in UG that i have seen doing IATA. Well done

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