Uganda Museum i Kampala

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UgandaUganda Museum



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Kira Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4267538
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3355622, Longitude: 32.582343

kommentar 5

  • Allan Ndayizera

    Allan Ndayizera


    Ibamba restaurant at Uganda museum is so great. My sister had a bridal shower and they were so welcoming, provided all we needed and it was all just amazing. Thank you so much.

  • Murungi Patrick

    Murungi Patrick


    Printing T-shirts is the best here

  • Sai Parate

    Sai Parate


    The place was brilliant with many amazing archives

  • Sharon Owuor

    Sharon Owuor


    Had a short stint working with the National Museum of Uganda and The World Federation Of Friends Museums on a project which aims to digitize the information found in Museums for easy access, this was by far my favourite project as we had a chance to learn about Ugandan history as well as engage with the Ugandans that work there some of whom have become very close friends. Worth having a go if youre in Uganda

  • Kiiza Wilson

    Kiiza Wilson


    It is a route way to Uganda's history, cultural heritage and environment. I recommend you to visit. If you are a researcher, The Uganda Society, the publishers of the Uganda Journal will serve your interests in all thematic areas. However, many of the country's indigenous peoples are not presented.

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