Villa Katwe Bed & Breakfast i Masaka

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UgandaVilla Katwe Bed & Breakfast



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Somero Road, Masaka, Masaka, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 709 335686
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Latitude: -0.32754, Longitude: 31.739652

kommentar 5

  • Diana Asaale

    Diana Asaale


    The service here is incredibly nice , the staff are so kind (special shout out to Toby & Gerald) . I loved the ambiance too and I will definitely be going back quite often .

  • Katy Barton

    Katy Barton


    Camped here with roof top tents, though they have rooms. Such a lovely place. The attention to detail in the decor is fab and the breakfast was delicious. Hot showers, hammocks and friendly staff - what a find!

  • Clara Neyrinck

    Clara Neyrinck


    Definitly one of our prettiest place we have stayed. They have eye for detail and a heart for people! The B&B itself is beautiful. They also have an outside shower, wich is very nice 😍 we camped once and slept in a room once, both are very much recommended. Aaand the breakfast really is incredible! Delicious ingredients, made with love! Thank you Robin& Wycliff for all you did for us, we would love to come back!

  • Keith Duff

    Keith Duff


    This might be one of my favorite places anywhere. If you want fancy or luxury, go elsewhere, but if you want comfortable, relaxed, nice vibe, wonderful people, enjoyable food, good wifi, warm showers and great hangout places to kick back and enjoy after a long journey, then give this a try. And if they ask if you want a bonfire, take them up on the offer. It's so nice. (I really liked their music playlist too. 😀)

  • Marius Koestler

    Marius Koestler


    Something really extraordinary - a seldom find in Uganda and with a service, food and drink offering that can compete with the best lodges and hotels in terms of sophistication - a surprise experience i this price range, and an unusual attention to detail. Great cocktails, dinner was excellent and breakfast spot on. Also one of only two places in Masaka you can get craft beer (among others pale ale and ipa).

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