Yellow Haven Lodge i Kampala

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UgandaYellow Haven Lodge



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Musumba Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 777 609947
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Latitude: 0.2711774, Longitude: 32.6356701

kommentar 5

  • solomon nsumba

    solomon nsumba


    Yellow Haven is a serene destination with a beautiful view of lake Victoria and birds singing sweetly all day. The rooms are cozy and absolutely homely. Their variety of home made meals is to die for. Lastly and not least they have the most hospitable staff in and around Kampala




    Highly recommended accommodation in Kampala. Located directly on the lakeshore in a green area away from the noise of the city, but still within easy reach of the city centre. Extremely tasteful interiors and building architecture, a joy for people with aesthetic sense. Absolutely clean and well-kept inside and outside with a spacious garden that reaches down to the lake. The same applies to the beautiful swimming pool. The adjoining restaurant offers excellent traditional dishes. Last but not least, a very attentive and sympathetic care by WIM the host and the entire staff. A great address that we can only recommend. Nowhere else in Kampala have we found a better one! Thomas and son Joshua

  • Anton Botha

    Anton Botha


    A wonderful experience with incredible hosts!

  • Christiaan du Preez

    Christiaan du Preez


    Really nice atmosphere. In the city yet outside of it. Great place to get away from the hussle of Kampala for some fresh air.

  • Cindy Keane

    Cindy Keane


    If you're a black person go to this place at your own risk, my husband booked this lodge for our trip to Uganda, i arrived first and after a 10 hours flight the owner of the hotel started interrogating me and was so rude to me. The owner an Irish woman never allowed me to check in yet it was already check in time, i had to sit outside for 4 hours waiting for my husband to arrive i wasn't even allowed to sit in the restaurant. when my husband arrived he was received with smiles and good customer service. i couldn't believe it, i felt like i was living in apartheid era. we stayed for one night because we were extremely tired and left the following morning.

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