Bank Of Baroda (U) Ltd - Head Office i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaBank Of Baroda (U) Ltd - Head Office



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Plot 18, Kampala Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4233680
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3119894, Longitude: 32.5844576

kommentar 5

  • Abid Alam

    Abid Alam


    A very well managed and operated Bank, very polite courteous and knowledgeable staff. A great Babk

  • Kedi Gilbert

    Kedi Gilbert


    Not very busy if you don't want to line mostly to pay taxes enter to baroda

  • Allan Sseruuma

    Allan Sseruuma


    I cant say I didn't like it coz I got what took me there, but those ladies must cherish on the way they talk to customers! 😕😕😕😕😏 I HATE THEM! And mostly Westerners (Banyankole) 😒😒 Cherish please. That's not your bank!

  • Owampaire Gloria

    Owampaire Gloria


    I had an issue , I visited their branch in Mbarara, I submitted their my documents and they advised me to find the papers in the Kampala branch where they were to forward them for completion of my transaction. It has taken them a month to send them to Kampala . Apparently its like they do not know how to use emails or computers, and sending hard copies has taken them a month. The customer care in their Kampala branch was so rude ( an old lady) . Kindly employ the young people, looks like the old people are tired . The point is , accessing money is taking a whole year. Am not sure if Baroda is up to date with the changes in the world and technology . But these slow processes need to stop.

  • Mark Trick

    Mark Trick


    I spent almost two hours standing in line, few cash tellers, and very slow, no customer care. I hope I don't bank with them again.

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