Fairway Hotel & Spa i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaFairway Hotel & Spa



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Plot 1, Kafu Road, Nakasero,, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4259571
internet side: www.fairwayhotel.co.ug
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.324757, Longitude: 32.5849267

kommentar 5

  • Nyanzi Marvin

    Nyanzi Marvin


    Had a great time here actually the Ramadan offer which made me visit this place. The meal was so awesome and I enjoyed it. Big up to the management.

  • Nilesh More

    Nilesh More


    There cannot be another place in Kampala like Hotel Fairway. The rooms are very good. The Indian restaurant is the show stopper. Love to spend my time while eating, a very good place for Business meeting. You can have a peaceful discussion and enjoy the food. Nonetheless, Mr. Sharma has been always welcoming at reception and restaurant Manager is second to none.

  • Thananat Jittaswungdee

    Thananat Jittaswungdee


    I got a very bad experience for my visit this time. Torn towel, water leakage, missing A/C remote controlled and water dribbling from A/C. Breakfast was lack of variety, Indian oriented. Few amenities in the room. Neither tooth brush nor slipper was available in my upgraded room.

  • yam spares

    yam spares


    A good entertainment place for weekends, swimming pool is good you will find mostly Indians on Sunday. The restaurant is also famous for its fish. Its location is strategic parking easily available, near by area is very neat and clean, over all a good place for Sunday entertainment and swimming.

  • Declan Ottaro

    Declan Ottaro


    This hotel has been around for a while and may very well fit in the"historic" category. It features a mix of both the old and the new. I liked the decor of the Indian restaurant and the meals here were quite tasty. The accommodation is a bit of a mixed bag, my first room had been renovated so was quite spacious and the bathroom had a modern feel. However the acoustics were not very good and I was woken up at night by noise from neighbouring rooms. I moved to a different room that you was quieter but was one of the older rooms that felt dated. The hotel is undergoing some renovations so hopefully the rooms will be brought to modern standards. If you're traveling for business, the cost of accommodation was fair and WiFi was generally reliable.

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