KEC Spa Massage Sauna & Steam i Kampala

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UgandaKEC Spa Massage Sauna & Steam



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Windsor Crescent, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 770 768705
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Latitude: 0.3306065, Longitude: 32.5862602

kommentar 5

  • Rambang Nyang

    Rambang Nyang


    Save your money, I wish I had.

  • Enock 100

    Enock 100


    Terrible experience my best friend was just there and I wanted to go tomorrow. He doesn't want to expose them because he wants to be nice but I will. For one they rude and for the beginning they kept opening the door to public in between the massages because they would knock and the person giving the massage kept pausing to check her phone every few minutes but that's not all the website says 70,0p but he was charged 80,000 for the property fee and then the maid kept insisting on 200,000 for services he endup paying 180,000ugx for a 30 minute massage which was clearly supposed to be 1 hour. I rather recommend Bangkok thai massage in bukoto they are 9n a whole different level for alot less. But on a positive note he claims there not bad at giving massages they're okay.

  • Benjamin Phillips

    Benjamin Phillips


    Terrible massage. The therapist clearly had no idea what she was doing, had no training or experience.

  • UG K

    UG K


    Cannot find the place..

  • Abhinav Sen

    Abhinav Sen


    Never find this one in 6 the street

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