Glory of Christ Church i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaGlory of Christ Church


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Kawaala Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4533197
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Latitude: 0.3371276, Longitude: 32.5549966

kommentar 5

  • Ninsiima Olyvia

    Ninsiima Olyvia


    Full gospel and the sermons are always on point,the lineages.... So amazing!

  • Ezra SSemakula

    Ezra SSemakula


    There is joy peace and love. The day you go for a prayer first time, you can't leave without being introduced and assigned a Lineage. Members will periodically check on you any time any day. It is really heart warming joining this Church with articulate eloquent and articulate leaders.

  • kavuma Simon

    kavuma Simon


    It's avery nice church preaching the gospel of grace

  • lwanga rogers

    lwanga rogers


    Everything is in order..... U feel love while at Glory of Christ . The senior pastor is down to earth & easily accessible

  • Christopher Holder

    Christopher Holder


    What can I say about Bishop Herbert, Mommy Irene, and all their pastoral staff? They're family! Miss them terribly! If you're in Kampala and looking for a place to worship, check 'em out and be sure to give them my love!

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