Redeemed of the Lord Evangelistic Church i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaRedeemed of the Lord Evangelistic Church


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Makerere Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4541513
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Latitude: 0.3271165, Longitude: 32.5695022

kommentar 5

  • Keziah Faith

    Keziah Faith


    The best place to be with very good reception.

  • Nina Ninsiima

    Nina Ninsiima


    Even with the covid 19 situation, they are have not been reluctant at all. I attended a wedding there and I am very impressed with everything. God bless your endeavors.

  • Nsiima Chloe

    Nsiima Chloe


    It is a very comfortable place. To me it is a place that I'm eager to go to every chance I get. The people there are welcoming and make it feel like a home.

  • Godfrey Sserwamukoko

    Godfrey Sserwamukoko


    One of the Pioneer Pentecoastal Churches in Uganda with an awesome Pastor Kasaijja. Steadfast in faith and has a track record of sticking to the true saving Grace of the Lord. The Gospel is full and the working of the Holy Ghost is manifest. True transformation of your life is sure. Visit and make it your Church if you need a Church

  • Dennis Odoi

    Dennis Odoi


    A wonderful church near the main University campus, Makerere University. It is in an upscale area with all the necessary social amenities. The environment is clean , the bathrooms are equally clean. The church is doctrinely sound, worship is vibrant, and the leaders are men of integrity. It is one of the oldest Pentecostal churches in Uganda.

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