Kampala Central Seventh-day Adventist Church i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaKampala Central Seventh-day Adventist Church


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Gadafi Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4542455
internet side: uu-adventist.org
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Latitude: 0.3255904, Longitude: 32.5703707

kommentar 5

  • Ssebaggala Daphar

    Ssebaggala Daphar


    Good service at reception

  • Magara Edson

    Magara Edson


    Very lively Church if you're the type that is comfortable with huge crowds! Ample parking space. However, as a visitor, you might need some time to actually feel you belong to the members

  • Nick Cohen

    Nick Cohen


    It's a beautiful, clean and christian Center with Christian books and lessons that guide you through life.

  • Ronald Bisegerwa

    Ronald Bisegerwa


    It's spacious, has a wonderful worship experience you may not find anywhere else in UG

  • clifford ogutu

    clifford ogutu


    This is the biggest Adventist church in Uganda and the first English speaking church too. The church is very unique since it has families that are divided into 12, as per the 12 tribes of Israel. Each family normally serve on a particular sabbath and minister through songs and worship. They also help with cooking and feeding the church during lunch hour every sabbath day. The church choir is always very blessing to hear. The congregation is always very warm and welcoming. Sermons are very powerful too.

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