Makerere University i Kampala

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UgandaMakerere University



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University Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4542803
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3335304, Longitude: 32.5675046

kommentar 5

  • Lubega Daniel

    Lubega Daniel


    Oooo this place is so awesome. It's like home. The environment is just cool. I love the place.

  • Everything Required

    Everything Required


    What a prestigious and one of the oldest Universities in Africa. It's a wonderful place to study.

  • Leonard Were

    Leonard Were


    This is a reputable university, sitting atop Makerere hill. It's academic profile has prints all-over the globe. It's hard to write a review of it as I graduated from it over 13 years ago but, my memories of it score a firm 4.

  • Leah Kunihira

    Leah Kunihira


    It would almost be fine to graduate from Makerere University of you didn't ever need a document there after. After graduating 6 years earlier, you'll still experience the unprofessionalism of the workers in the documentation offices especially those at level 3 precisely Office 314. This I have experienced 3 times, undergraduate and postgraduate. It is best to employ people who actually want to work!

  • Micheal ssendagire

    Micheal ssendagire


    East Africa's and Uganda's oldest university. Awards both undergraduate and post graduate degrees. Wide range of courses on offer both in humanities and sciences. Offices open from 8-5 but getting service or help is quite a hustle. Offices and the faculties closed on public holidays. The university has well maintained tarmacked roads and walk ways. Student halls of residence on the premises in varying degrees of decay and neglect. There is a car toll for anyone accessing the university with a car. And they charge for the car parking hourly. Different faculties have public toilets with varying degrees of cleanliness.

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