Njovu Park Lodge i Kabatoro

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UgandaNjovu Park Lodge


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2KM after Mweya Main Gate, Kabatoro, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256
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Latitude: -0.1359366, Longitude: 29.89533

kommentar 5

  • turyamubona clovis

    turyamubona clovis


    Njovu Park Lodge is a nice place located in Katwe, sharing boundaries with Queen Elizabeth National Park. That gave me opportunity while I was there to view the big mammals like the Savannah Elephants, Hippopotamus, Warthog's, Bush bucks and birds like black headed weaver bird, Flancolns, Cattle Eaglets Sterlings and Eagles. The area give scenec beauty of the park and Lake Edward.

  • Peter Mulindwa

    Peter Mulindwa


    One of the best location around the national park

  • Noryega Umaru

    Noryega Umaru


    It is really a perfect place with cool and fresh air from lake Edward. Good hospitality and nice accommodation. Direct sun rays on a clear environment.

  • Tusi gloria

    Tusi gloria


    Njovu Park lodge is really a good place that everyone can visit .it's very amazing full of big animals 🐆🐘🐃🦩🐊🦁

  • Ian Ingleton

    Ian Ingleton


    Amazing place with elephant herd nearby and resident warthog family. Very friendly staff and great food.

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