Simba Safari Camp i Kikorongo

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UgandaSimba Safari Camp


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Fort Portal-Mpondwe Road, Kikorongo, Kasese, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 701 426368
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Latitude: 0.002206, Longitude: 29.9895725

kommentar 5

  • Ismail Hassan

    Ismail Hassan


    This is by far the greatest experience of my year so far at Simba Safari Camp. From the hospitable staffs, to the chefs that crafted our meals keeping our taste buds in check, definitely this is place I highly recommend. You can't miss a smile from Susan when she's serving you, to Agnes when she's preparing your room, Alex and Malaky were always a constant and call away from us whenever need arises.

  • Linda Shuttleworth

    Linda Shuttleworth


    Warm welcome, quiet and peaceful, nice pool, which was a treat! Good food, great staff.

  • Miiro David

    Miiro David


    This is where am writing this review from. We camped atSimba for three nights. The food was soo amazing plus the swimming pool

  • Suyana Terry

    Suyana Terry


    It was a beautiful lodge situated very close to the entrance of the Queen Elizabeth National Park. The room were well equipped with mosquito nest, clean towels (including for the pool) and a fan. The staff was dedicated to give us the best experience and the food was very good. The only point to know is there is only wifi in the restaurant. Otherwise, I had a great stay with Simba Safari Camp, many thanks!

  • Richard Pottage

    Richard Pottage


    I stayed 2 nights with my wife. The staff were extremely helpful. The food was nice and varied. The rooms were a good size with mosquito nets. They sprayed the rooms each night to keep the mosquitoes at bay. There's a swimming pool which is nice to sit around. The lodge is situated near to the Q.E. park. Its an excellent location to use as a base for going out each day exploring the animals and other geographic features. My only negative about this place is that the Internet is near to non existence. Other than that I would recommend coming here.

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