TMR International Hospital i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaTMR International Hospital



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Kira Lane, Kampala, Wakiso, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 200 777850
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3669542, Longitude: 32.6372692

kommentar 5

  • Athen Jpaka

    Athen Jpaka


    Was cheated 30000shs I tried to talk to them and explain what it was meant for and no one told me including the doctor Kennedy 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 I will never come back here Typing this in doctors office

  • Tawou A

    Tawou A


    Reception is on point. They pay attention and check on you when you are waiting too long to make sure you have not been forgotten. They are polite, accept a wide range of insurance and the payment process is swift. Top care of outpatient Like their motto says, every second counts

  • Kisakye Julianna

    Kisakye Julianna


    Went in for a Neuro surgeon consult at 3pm. I called ahead and was assured the doctor would be there on a first come first serve basis. I waited until 8:30pm. Doctor was held up. Was disappointed in the receptionists' unwillingness to help. At a point had to be begged to make a follow up call. I understand surgery can take longer than expected, but please next time keep in touch with your specialists on duty ahead of time so that you give patients a realistic picture on how long they may have to wait.

  • Jon Blanc

    Jon Blanc


    I had Brain Burr Hole Surgery at TMR Hospital. The surgeon was Dr Peter Ssenyonga who did a superb job including the before and after surgery care. This was my second brain burr hole surgery and I was amazed at the care I received from Dr Ssenyonga and the TMR staff. I spend my 78th Birthday recovering from the surgery at the hospital. I would highly recommend the hospital and Dr Ssenyonga.

  • Justine Nansereko

    Justine Nansereko


    I had my baby at TMR it was a good experience c section was done, pain was very much controled. The staff was so caring, I can't forget Deo the anesthesia he is good. The counseling I got before theater was very good. The price may look big but it's worth the service offered. Thank you TMR

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